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Property Investing Due Diligence Articles
Inflation and Property Value

Inflation and Property Value

R100k today won't have the same purchasing power in 20 years time, because money is always worth less as time goes on - known as inflation. The reason? On the 15th August 1971, everything changed. That's when America ended the gold standard. Before that day, the...

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Assets vs Liabilities from a Property Perspective

Assets vs Liabilities from a Property Perspective

An asset is something that serves you and a liability is something that cripples you. Assets An asset could be a property owned by a person or company. It is regarded as something that Has value Is available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies From the definition...

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The Power of Compound Interest

The Power of Compound Interest

Albert Einstein once said; “Compound interest. Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.” By understanding compound growth, you can quite literally change your financial position in a few short...

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How to Find a Good Property Investment Area

How to Find a Good Property Investment Area

Where should I buy property investments? This is the million rand question. To succeed in the property investing game, you need to become an expert in whichever property investment area you choose. You should know your area like an estate agent or letting agent. Map...

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ROI vs Net Yield

ROI vs Net Yield

Return on investment: the number one metric to make an accurate buying decision in property! Return on Investment (ROI) calculation tells you how hard your money is working for you. If you were to invest R100 000 and make R10 000, then you ROI would be 10%. You take...

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The Difference Between Gross Yield and Net Yield

The Difference Between Gross Yield and Net Yield

"Yields can indicate whether an area or a deal might make financial sense!" A yield indicator indicates if a deal is a good deal. To make a buying decision, one should always use the ROI (Return On Investment) calculation. Gross Yield gives you a sense of the rental...

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